CRPROF-NQF5-KM-09 Practical Assignments

The Practical skills component builds on what was learned in the knowledge component. It will give the learner the necessary practice through a practical exercise that may be carried out as follows:

  • In the classroom setting
  • In a small group setting
  • Or as per the requirements of the particular Assignment.

The completed Integrated Assessment Criteria (IAC) must be uploaded onto the LMS as per the prescribed procedures. Please make sure that you upload and allocate your IACs to the correct section on the LMS. Your assignments are to be uploaded onto the LMS at the end of a part, together with the knowledge modules where they are linked. For instance – A practical assignment (PM03 and PM04) is to be submitted at the end of Knowledge Module 9.

The assessment of the practical assignments will be carried out as per the usual assessment procedure.

Practical Assignment 3 (PM-03): Interact with groups and individuals in order to facilitate spiritual growth.

You will have an opportunity to facilitate spiritual growth in a group and/or individual setting. Your task is to organize and lead a study group or/and spiritual growth group as required hereafter IAC0101 and IAC0102 focus on a group setting:

  1. IAC0101: Evaluate different sources of information to select information appropriate to the task and analyze, synthesize and evaluate that in order to prepare study material that address identified needs.

Explanatory Notes: Identify a study group and/or spiritual growth group of your choice that requires specific growth and guidance in knowledge, understanding and personal appropriation of the Christian faith and worldview. Your task is to prepare or source study material that will fulfil the need of
that chosen study or faith group, And lead the study group and present your source study material in a manner that will facilitate spiritual growth.

Word Count: 600 – 700 Words.

  1. IAC0102: Using appropriate academic and professional or occupational conventions, formats and technologies in a group setting to facilitate spiritual growth.

Explanatory Notes: Lead a study group and present the material to facilitate spiritual growth. Your material must be appropriate from the group settings previously sourced through academic and professional conventions (Protocol and custom – a way of acting and doing things that will be accepted), formats and technologies. that will facilitate spiritual growth.

Word Count: 700 – 1000 Words.

IAC0201 and IAC0202 focuses on an individual (leaders or individual members in the faith community)

  1. IAC0201: Evaluate different sources of information to select information appropriate to the identified needs and analyze, synthesize, and evaluate that to prepare study material that addresses identified needs.

Explanatory Notes: Identify an individual who requests guidance in spiritual growth and establish and confirm the specific needs of growth. Source and prepare study material that will fulfil the specific need and conduct one or more individual session(s) with the individual in a way that will facilitate spiritual growth.

Word Count: 700 – 1000 Words.

  1. IAC0202: Using appropriate academic and professional or occupational conventions, formats and technologies in an individual conversation setting to facilitate spiritual growth.

Explanatory Notes: Lead a meeting and/or spiritual growth conversation with the individual previously identified and use the material previously sourced from academic and professional or occupational conventions, formats and technologies to facilitate spiritual growth; you may have to conduct one or more sessions.

Word Count: 700 – 1000 Words.

Practical Assignment 4 (PM-04): nurture fellowship among members of the faith community:

IAC0101: Gather information from a range of sources to select information related to the theory of fellowship and group dynamics appropriate to the critical relationship aspects of the given scenario or case study, develop an assessment tool, summarize the information obtained from the tool and compile a report.

Explanatory Notes: Identify critical aspects that will impact the state of the relationship and the level of mutual support and gather information from various sources that will promote fellowship (harmonious, mutually supportive relationships and a sense of belonging). Develop an assessment tool that will allow members to gauge if harmonious fellowship and care in the faith community are visible and supportive. Summarize and compile a report on the finding based on your evaluation report/assessment tool.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.

You will be required to facilitate an understanding of the church as a community of fellowship and care through the process of preaching and teaching:

  1. IAC0201: Evaluate the performance of others and decide on specific aspects that require attention to nurture or strengthen the commitment to unity and fellowship.

Explanatory Notes: Identify a group in a faith community with needs for a better understanding of the character of the church; you must be able to devise a viable strategy (design a practical plan) for the strengthening or nurturing of fellowship, mutual support and a sense of belonging in the faith community of the identity group. How will you formulate a plan to include this group for them to enjoy fellowship and a sense of belonging?

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.

  1. IAC0202: Communicate information using sermons, messages and group sessions appropriate to the context, in written and oral or signed form or in a practical demonstration to nurture or strengthen the commitment to unity and fellowship.

Explanatory Notes: Prepare a sermon or message on a local church’s unique character and nature (faith community) in terms of their fellowship and mutual relationships. Use different group settings (Ministries) in the faith community to practically demonstrate your previously prepared material on how to strengthen the experience of or commitment to mutual care and fellowship.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.

IAC0301 and IAC0302 are to be completed concurrently through a worship service that will build fellowship, unity and harmony as hereafter specified:

  1. IAC0301: The sermon and supporting activities were conducive to the experience of unity and fellowship and were sensitive to the spirituality and culture of the faith community.
  1. IAC0302: The faith community was encouraged to participate during the worship service.

Explanatory Notes: Identify a group in a faith community with a need for fellowship and harmonious relationships and conduct a worship service in the presence of the group or faith community. Guide the praise and worship time in such a manner that will allow for an experience with an encounter with God. Ensure that your service will strengthen and nurture an experience of fellowship among the faith community members. Deliver a sermon that will strengthen the experience of fellowship and unity in the faith community and introduce supporting activities during the service that will strengthen the experience of mutual fellowship and mutual care, for example, testimonies, group prayers, prayers of intercession and for deliverance, healing and other personal needs of faith community members.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words

Create ministry interventions to strengthen the experience of fellowship within the faith community

  1. IAC0401: Evaluate the fellowship of interest groups and take appropriate ministry action where necessary; take responsibility for own learning and promote the learning of others.

Explanatory Notes: Identify an interest group such as young married couples, parents, seniors, or persons in the same profession etc., or a need such as jobless people, parents needing parenting skills training, etc. in the faith community and select one to focus on. Evaluate and plan the development (or revitalization/renewal) of a ministry that can relate to the selected group or need with the aim of nurturing fellowship and mutual care.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.

  1. IAC0402: Select and apply ministry methods, procedures and monitoring techniques and plan and manage an implementation process within an already existing ministry environment.

Explanatory Notes: Use existing ministry methods, procedures and monitoring methods as an implementation tool to align your renewal plans with the overall vision and mission of the faith community and the spiritual gifts, talents and interests of members. Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan to support the maintenance of the renewal ministry.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.