KM-02-KT01: The Bible as foundational document of Christianity

These assessments are part of the learning proses and serve as preparation for the summative assessment. All assignments must be written in your own words and not just a duplication of the content of this module. Each assignment must be approximately 250 words (1 ½ pages written – writing, must be readable) and must have a front page indicating the student name, student number and assignment heading, e.g. “Describe different views of knowing God” and the assignment code, e.g. “IAC0201”

  1. IAC0101 Discuss different views on the inspiration and authority of the Bible and relate it to the views of a specific church tradition.

  2. IAC0102 Give a brief overview of the origin, historical background, structure and message of the books of the Bible.

  3. IAC0103 Describe the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

  4. IAC0104 Identify the different types of books (genres) in the Bible, explain the characteristics of each type and indicate how it impacts on Bible interpretation.