KM-01-KT05: Enculturation

  1. IAC0501 Discuss the principles of inculturation.

  2. IAC0502 Describe the key principles of integrating Christian living within a specific context.

  3. IAC0503 Given a specific range of scenarios distinguish between harmful and healthy teaching, rituals and other religious practices.

These assessments are part of the learning process and serve as preparation for the final summative assessment. All assignments must be written in your own words and not just be a duplication of the contents of this module. Each assignment must be approximately 150 words (1 A4 page written – writing, must be legible) and must have a front page indicating the student name, student number and assignment heading e.g. “Describe the purpose of ministry and relate it to the tasks and responsibilities of ministry” and the assignment code e.g. “IAC0101”  

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