CRPROF-NQF5-KM-10 Practical Assignments

The Practical skills component builds on what was learned in the knowledge component and will give the learner the necessary practice through a practical exercise that may be carried out as follows:

  • In the classroom setting
  • In a small group setting
  • Or as per the requirements of the particular Assignment. 

The completed Integrated Assessment Criteria (IAC) must be uploaded onto the LMS as per the prescribed procedures. Please make sure that you upload and allocate your IACs to the correct section on the LMS.  Your assignments are to be uploaded onto the LMS at the end of a part, together with the knowledge modules where they are linked. For instance – A practical assignment (PM05, PM06, and PM07) is to be submitted at the end of Knowledge Module 10.

The assessment of the practical assignments will be carried out as per the usual assessment procedure. 

Practical Assignment 5 (PM-05) Lead the faith community to show loving care in times of need or crisis.

PM-05-PS01: Lead the faith community to show loving care in times of need or crisis; provide loving care during times of sickness, bereavement or other forms of life normal distress situations.

  1. IAC0101: Evaluate, select and apply appropriate methods, procedures or techniques to support people in a defined context

Explanatory Notes: Prepare for and conduct visits to people in distress to provide support and care. Select appropriate methods, and procedures that will support these people that you have now identified. 

  1. IAC0102: Use appropriate academic and professional or occupational conventions, formats and technologies for a given context to produce supervision reports 

Explanatory Notes: Source material support (counselling methods and procedures) and spiritual resources (ministry partners within your faith community) for helping people in need.  Ensure that the cultural views on sickness, death or other forms of distress are taken into consideration in planning the provision of care and support for the identified group.

Word Count: 800 – 1000 Words.

  1. IAC0103: Take responsibility for their decisions and actions, including the responsibility for setting up and use of referral systems when supporting people in need

Explanatory Notes: Your visitations and support must be noted and recorded through the use of reports that you will prepare. Your reports must include a record of the supervision purposes that you and your team will use as a referral system for specialized support, should such a need be identified.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words. 

PM-05-PS02: Provide loving care where special forms of distress are experienced.

  1. IAC0201: Identity, analyse and solve problems in unfamiliar contexts, gathering evidence and applying solutions based on appropriate evidence and procedures for supporting people with special needs, the ministry for people with special needs includes: 
  • a) Identification of special needs in the faith community.
  • b) Prepare and involve people in the faith community as part of the support ministry, and 
  • c) Keep records and reports on the monitoring of support to people with special needs

Explanatory Notes: Identify members within your faith community that are experiencing special needs such as children or youth at risk (abuse, molestation, bullying, poor living conditions, etc.), people living with HIV and Aids, people with disabilities, and the poor or unemployed, you must prepare for and design a process to identify the presence of special needs that you have identified. Your designed process should be able to identify the existence of special needs in the faith community.

Based on your available information and the identification of one such special need, plan a ministry in the faith community to support the persons with the selected need. Prepare and involve members of your faith community to provide specific support according to their gifts and interests, and keep a record of and report on progress with the ministry by monitoring established success criteria.

Word Count: 800 – 1200 Words. 

PM-05-PS03: Design a process to identify and respond to trauma and crisis in a faith community:

  1. IAC0301: Identity, analyse and solve problems in unfamiliar contexts, gathering evidence and applying solutions based on appropriate evidence and procedures for supporting people in crisis and trauma, the ministry for people in crisis and trauma include:
  • a. Distinguish crisis and trauma from a problem or need in identifying people for support
  • b. Prepare and involve people in the faith community as part of the support ministry
  • c. Keep records and reports on the monitoring of support to people in crisis and trauma

Explanatory Notes: Identify any faith community and identify people within that faith community with a crisis and/or trauma that are in need of support. Prepare for and involve someone in your faith community (Classmates) as part of your support ministry. The learner must be able to: Design a crisis and trauma referral system that will be effective in the faith community and include steps to report the identified crisis and trauma. Your report must include aspects such as an open-door policy, confidentiality measures, etc. 

Lastly, prepare for and provide a training plan to train leaders in the faith community on reporting and providing first-line support in times of crisis and trauma.

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.

Practical Assignment 6 (PM-06): Lead the faith community to live according to a Christian value system and Christian virtues.

263601005-PM-06: Lead the faith community to live according to a Christian value system and Christian virtues. You will be provided with an opportunity to nurture a Christian value system and Christian virtues among the members of the faith community.

PM-06-PS01: Evaluate the faith community in terms of their adherence to a Christian value system and Christian virtues:

  1. IAC0101: Gather information from a range of sources to select information appropriate to the Christian value system and Christian virtues and analyse and evaluate that information to produce a profile of the level of adherence a faith community has to a Christian value system.

Explanatory Notes: Prepare for and do a contextual (appropriate) congregational analysis, in consultation with leaders in the faith community, of the issues regarding values and virtues in the faith community and their environment and the consequences of the identified issues. Explain why these issues need to be attended to and motivate the importance of solving these issues must be important to the identified faith community. 

Word Count: 800 – 1200 Words. 

  1. IAC0102: Take account of and suggest actions in accordance with Christian ethical values and practices 

Explanatory Notes: Define, in terms of Christian ethical principles and Christian virtues, the appropriate behaviour to promote (your suggestions in accordance with Christian ethical values) to deal with the identified issues.

  1. IAC0201: Take account of and suggest an action plan in accordance with Christian ethical values and practices aimed at nurturing the values and virtues in the faith community 
  2. IAC0202: Gather information from a range of sources to compile a context-sensitive plan with appropriate methods to nurture the Christian value system and Christian virtues 
  3. IAC0203: Effective (age and culturally appropriate) ways for the nurturing Christian values and virtues in the faith community 

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words. 

IAC0201 – IAC0203 to be completed simultaneously:

Explanatory Notes: Based on your previous contextual and congregational analysis regarding values and virtues in a faith community and a definition of outcomes regarding ethics and virtues to be pursued, you must plan a program or process that will nurture the values and virtues in the faith community. The identified outcomes of your plan must include the most effective (age and culturally appropriate) ways to nurture the values and virtues through processes such as preaching, teaching, study groups, mentoring, counselling, drama and storytelling, printed media, electronic and electronic and social media, etc. 

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words. 

  1. IAC0204: A component of the plan was implemented and evaluated, and a report on the outcomes was prepared. 

Explanatory Notes: You must now Implement one of the components of the plan in the faith community and evaluate the effect it had on the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the participants.

Word Count: 400 – 600 Words 

Practical Assignment 7 (PM-07): Develop pro-active and reactive (coping) life skills in the faith community through preaching and teaching, and mentoring

263601005-PM-07: Develop pro-active and reactive (coping) life skills in the faith community through preaching, teaching, and mentoring.

You will be provided with an opportunity to nurture pro-active and reactive (coping) life skills and spiritual disciplines/practices in the faith community through preaching, teaching, mentorship (or discipleship training) and counselling.

PM-07-PS01: Listen in order to understand the context and holistic well-being needs of the community and plan an intervention (mentoring, teaching, sermon) to address identified needs:

  1. IAC0101: Gather information from a range of sources and analyse and evaluate that information to select and plan an intervention appropriate to the holistic well-being needs that were identified.

Explanatory Notes: Identify a faith community and gather information from various sources about the holistic well-being and needs of the faith community. Analyze and evaluate through (technology, media, community leaders and church leaders) the information to select and plan an intervention that will address the holistic well-being needs as previously identified. Provide opportunities to apply your listening skills and give feedback by summarizing the priorities of the holistic needs in a faith community through a planned program that will be most effective (age and culturally appropriate) in addressing holistic well-being needs through preaching, teaching, study groups, mentoring, counselling, drama and storytelling, printed media, electronic and social media, etc. 

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words. 

PM-07-PS02: Cultivate pro- and reactive life skills and spiritual disciplines/practices through preaching, counselling, teaching and mentoring:

  1. IAC0201: Gather information from a range of sources and analyse and evaluate that information to select and plan an intervention appropriate to the pro- and reactive life skills and spiritual disciplines/practices needs that were identified 

Explanatory Notes: Gather information from various sources and select and plan an intervention aimed at the nurturing of pro-active and reactive (coping) life skills and spiritual disciplines/practices. Your intervention must include a program (preaching, teaching, study groups, mentoring, counselling, drama and storytelling, printed media, electronic and social media, etc.) that will nurture the spiritual disciplines /practices that were identified. 

Word Count: 1000 – 1500 Words.

  1. IAC0202: Communicate information, using conventions appropriate to the context, in written and oral or signed form or in a practical demonstration to address pro- and reactive life skills and spiritual disciplines/practices 

Explanatory Notes: Prepare and deliver sermons related to a selection of identified needs and evaluate the impact of the sermon.

  • Conduct a teaching session related to a selection of identified needs and evaluate the impact of the teaching.
  • Conduct counselling sessions related to identified needs and prepare reports for supervision purposes.
  • Conduct a mentoring process related to identified needs and prepare reports for supervision purposes.

Word Count: 1500 – 2000 Words. 

  1. IAC0203: Evaluations of interventions account for own actions, work with, and respect for others’ need for pro- and reactive life skills and spiritual disciplines/practices, and take supervisory responsibility for others 

Explanatory Notes: Develop and apply a referral system that identifies counselling specializations and services and set criteria for when and how to refer.

Word Count: 800 – 1000 Words.