CRPROF-NQF5-KM-07 Practical Assignments

The Practical skills component builds on what was learned in the knowledge component. It will give the learner the necessary practice through a practical exercise that may be carried out as follows:

  • In the classroom setting
  • In a small group setting
  • Or as per the requirements of the particular Assignment. 

The completed Integrated Assessment Criteria (IAC) must be uploaded onto the LMS as per the prescribed procedures. Please note that you upload and allocate your IACs to the correct section on the LMS.  Your assignments are to be uploaded onto the LMS at the end of a part, together with the knowledge modules where they are linked. For instance, a practical assignment (PM01) is to be submitted at the end of Knowledge Module 7.

The assessment of the practical assignments will be carried out as per the usual assessment procedure. 

Practical Assignment 1 (PM-01): Listen to and understand the faith community and its context.

  1. IAC0101: Choose and name a specific faith community (or interest group within that faith community), and then describe the context of the relevant interest group in terms of their unique characteristics, worldview, and socio-economic setting. 

Explanatory Notes: Identify a faith community or an interest group such as a home cell, Youth ministry, Missions, Seniors, etc. within a faith community and complete contextual (in context with) analyses of the faith community /group.

Your analysis must include the following:

  • What makes them unique,
  • What strengths can you identify in them,
  • What is their worldview? 
  • Where are they currently in terms of the socio-economic setting within that community,
  • and how do they function within the broader community? 

Your response to be based on the knowledge obtained from the Contextual and congregational principles (section 3.2) and their World View theory (Section 2.1 – Module 2.4). 

Word Count: 600 – 750 Words.

  1. IAC0201: Given the faith community (or interest group) chosen in assignment IAC0101, select and apply a recognized Bible interpretation method, procedure, or technique (See Module 2) to 
  • State the original intention of the text, and 
  • Indicate the relevance of the selected text to the context of the audience in the presented scenario 

Explanatory Notes: To complete this practical exercise, please choose one of the following texts from section 4, Text and Theme Module 2.1

  • Ephesians 2:1-10 – God’s mercy
  • Romans 1:18-21 – The crisis
  • 1 John 1:5-26 – The solution
  • Romans 1:18-21 – The solution
  • Acts 2:42-47 – The Church
  • Romans 1:13-17 – The commission (Missional)

And apply the principles and methods of Bible interpretation (Hermeneutics) to the faith community /group you chose in IAC0101. Your answer must contain the following information:

  • Why you choose your particular text and a clear statement of your intended message: (inform, console, build, persuade, challenge, warn, reprimand)?
  • A clear statement as to whom the original text was written (i.e., the original message).

Lastly, develop the text’s message so that it does not lose its original intent but will be relevant to the context of your chosen faith community/group.

Word Count: 500 – 600 Words.

  1. IAC0301: Describe which spiritual disciplines you used to discern the message in IAC0102?

Explanatory Notes: Describe what spiritual disciples you applied to discern your message (Prayer, Meditating on God’s word, Bible study, etc., (PA0301). Did you take into account the spiritual practices and traditions of the faith community/group that you chose as you articulated (bring your thoughts over clearly) your message (PA0302)?

  1. IAC0401: Prepare a sermon that communicates the message of the selected Bible text that was done earlier in this section. The sermon must reflect responsible Bible interpretation.

Explanatory Notes: All your preparations must now be formulated into a sermon. Use the principles of preparing a sermon (Section Three) and choose a style to articulate your message (Expository, Thematic or Narrative). From here on apply the 13 Guidelines in Section Five under your practical exercise and use these steps to formulate your sermon. Ensure that you incorporate all the necessary information gathered in IAC0101 – 0103.

Word Count: 600 – 700 Words