CRPROF-NQF5-KM-12 Practical Assignments

The Practical skills component builds on what was learned in the knowledge component and will give the learner the necessary practice through a practical exercise that may be carried out as follows:

  • In the classroom setting
  • In a small group setting
  • Or as per the requirements of the particular Assignment. 

The completed Integrated Assessment Criteria (IAC) must be uploaded onto the LMS as per the prescribed procedures. Please make sure that you upload and allocate your IACs to the correct section on the LMS.  Your assignments are to be uploaded onto the LMS at the end of a part, together with the knowledge modules where they are linked. For instance – A practical assignment (PM08 and PM09) is to be submitted at the end of Knowledge Module 12.

The assessment of the practical assignments will be carried out as per the usual assessment procedure. 

Practical Assignment 08 (PM-08): Lead a faith community through visionary spiritual leadership (strategic management as a spiritual discipline)

263601004-PM-08: Lead a faith community through visionary spiritual leadership (strategic management as a spiritual discipline)

PM-08-PS01: Identify and discern the will of God.

  1. IAC0101: Identify, evaluate and suggest solutions for defined, routine and new problems within a faith community context. Suggested solutions are based on relevant Biblical guidance and contemplated will of God 

Explanatory Notes: Given specific situations such as:

  • financial constraints within the faith community
  • A board leader who does not follow protocol
  • dwindling numbers
  • restrictions such as a pandemic
  • the planting of a new church
  • communication failure amongst the leaders
  • or any problem that you may identify,  

that requires specific direction; you must plan for and encourage focused prayer, fasting and meditation to focus on the will of God, facilitate a study of the Bible to find relevant scriptures and provide the faith community with relevant information pertaining to the matter at hand. 

Furthermore, contemplate process and consider the inputs received from congregation/faith community members and provide support and feedback and formulate a way forward based on inputs received.

Word Count: 800 – 1200 Words. 

PM-08-PS02: Formulate the direction a faith community should pursue.

  1. IAC0201: Gather information from a range of sources to select information appropriate to the faith community’s context and analyze and evaluate that information in order to:
  • a. Formulate a vision for the faith community in consultation with the leaders 
  • b. Communicate the formulated vision 

Explanatory Notes: Given a specific situation (choose from one of the above or identify a situation within your faith community requiring direction and the outcomes of a discernment process, you must formulate a vision or future state for a faith community, confirm the vision/direction with church members and broader faith community and communicate the vision to members of the faith community. 

Word Count: 1500 – 2000 Words. 

Practical Assignment 09 (PM-09): Build the spiritual leadership capacity of the congregation/faith community

263601004-PM-09: Build the spiritual leadership capacity of the congregation/faith community

PM-09-PS01: Identify spiritual leadership potential in individual members: 

  1. IAC0101: Evaluate own leadership performance and the leadership performance of people in a faith community and take appropriate action where necessary; take responsibility for their own learning and promote the learning of others 

Explanatory Notes: Given a specific leadership group (choose from one of the ministry groups in your faith community, you must conduct a prayerful group discussion to help them formulate criteria of effective spiritual leadership. Identify existing ministries in a congregation/faith community and existing leaders who comply with these criteria or not. Identify gaps in leadership within that group.

Identify specific criteria of spiritual leadership for specific ministries (e.g., musical training for music ministry) and organize and lead a prayer meeting for guidance in selecting/identifying potential leaders. You must apply leadership criteria in selecting leaders for specific ministries and invite and motivate people (importance of transparency and equal opportunities) to make themselves available for training with a view to possible leadership positions. 

Word Count: 1500 – 2000 Words. 

PM-09-PS02: Develop and implement new or identify existing leadership training programs 

  1. IAC0201: Evaluate own leadership performance and the leadership performance of people in a faith community and take appropriate action where necessary; take responsibility for their own learning and promote the learning of others 

Explanatory Notes: Evaluate your own leadership performance and of people in your faith community and develop a training resource/opportunity database (where training or training material exists for utilization in the congregation/faith community). Create opportunities for exposure to different forms of ministry and establish criteria for leadership roles in a specific ministry in conversation with relevant role players. 

Develop the leadership criteria into a training program to be used during training sessions (incorporating central Christian leadership concepts such as servant leadership and disciple-making) and use alternative training modes such as mentorship to implement the training programs.

Identify, develop/train possible mentors and trainers and conduct a training session according to principles of teaching/training in a Christian context.

Word Count: 1500 – 2000 Words.